Sunday, 11 June 2017

Interview perubatan USM dan UniSZA 2017/2018

Assalamualaikum and hi peeps..Jadi harini aku nk cerita skit pasal medical school interview yang aku pergi ..Firstly ,aku berasa sangat bersyukur kerana ditawarkan interview ni sbb ad kawan aku yg tak dapat pon interview perubatan walaupun pointer diorang okay sangat.Pesanan aku kalau dah dapat tu pergi je smua jangan pilih2 nanti menyesal tak sudah.Okay, ill start with UniSZA first since this is my first medical school interview.The details are below..
1.UniSZA(Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin) MBBS interview
Slip kehadiran iv make sure print or they wont let you to undergo the iv ..

Memandangkan aku dduk terengganu and tempat aku iv tu just 5 minutes je dari umah aku so aku x de la tempah hotel ke ape ke.But for those yg datang dari jauh or bukan dari terengganu aku suggest korang dduk dekat primula hotel since hotel tu yang paling dekat dengan UniSZA kampus kota ni...
I arrived early ,40 minutes before the registration yet i still got no 19 for the interview session...pfft.My piece of advice:came early if you wanted your session to end quickly...Arrange your certs according to the sequence in the iv slip .Bring along your original certs.They will flip through those certs during your interview..After that all you got to do is wait wait and wait to be call(they will call you using the numbers that they give).After being called they will check your certs and coppies of certs and personal documents that they wanted make sure all of them are CERTIFIED .After that you will be taken to a lecture hall to sit for an aptitude test .The test last for 10 minutes or less.Then you will be taken to a quarantine room .Here you will wait for your interview session.Again they will call your number according to the sequence and Yes WAIT again here...hahahah..After your number has been called you will be taken to the interview room.Inside,you will be greeted by 2 interviewers(a male and a female). It is a face to face interview...The interviewers are so nice ..I will only list the questions asked for further details or answers you can email me or ask me in the comment section.
1.Tell me about yourself
2.why medicine
3.who is the Dr from UniSZa that you know
4.what are your hobbies..i stated reading then they asked what is the title of the book .then they will ask details about the book(make sure you really know about the book).what book do you read recently..Tell us about the book and what did you learn from it
5.My views on the aurat of muslims during labour.They assume that the women insisted that she don't want me to help with the labour since i was a male..Assume there are no other female doctors there..
6.What are the qualities that a doctor should have and do you have them
7.Did you apply to other universities for this course.where? why?.(make sure you have a good reason for this )
8.Did you put UniSZA as your first choice or your third choice..why??.(Be honest)
9.Why UniSZA.
10.Qualities that you have but others don't
11.Involvement during school...better if it is related to the course.(eg : i joined pbsm, there i learn.......).They will also ask you your accheivement in sports ..
12.Can your family afford your expenses in medical school.If not what are other options you have?
13.Situation:You are now a medical student with a full sponsorship from your parents.Most of your friends have receive scholarships from JPA and MARA.They changed phones,buy new clothes,eat fancy foods and do a lot of shopping.How would you adress this situation.
The interview lasts for 30 minutes++ .I imagined that it would be horrible but looking back i think i did just fine..I searched in the internet for UniSZA interview mbbs but i didnt find any.So i think by posting this i could help my juniors to ace in their iv for UniSZA..okay that is all about UniSZA ..

2.USM(Universiti Sains Malaysia ) MD interview session.
The iv was held at Pusat pengajian Perubatan HUSM.Came early because finding the place is not easy to find the place since it is literally situated in the hospital area..In USM they use the MMI(multiple mini interview) system .As expected from one of the best universities for medicine they will just pick the ones who are the best among the best.They are searching for the Jack of all trades and not just the ones who are good in studying.I must say getting 4 flat during your foundation/matrix /STPM and others won't affect much on your performance since they won't even flip through your certificate file during the MMI session.Yeahh again the typical medical school iv you have to WAIT WAIT and WAIT.Precisely on 12:30 noon they ask us to que up because they need to check our certs and documents.(fyi:they won't be taking your documents so you can just keep them after they check).The session start barely at 1:30 pm since they give us some time to perform our zuhur prayer .We are taken into a room and was brief by two doctors on how the MMI USM is conducted.We are given nametags and our route for the MMI .Then we are taken into a ward and facing the ward are rooms used for the interviews..
MMI sessions:
I was given circuit C (No 1)
which means i have to start on station 1
station 2-role play.Miss lim park her car at the OKU place.Advice Miss lim.(Bm or Bi choose)
station 3-Anda diberikan gambar.Gambar tersebut adalah gambar bulatan bertindih(Tuliskan pemerhatian anda selengkapnya .Huraian tidak boleh melebihi satu mukasurat)(Jawab dalam Bm sahaja)
station 4-Discuss with the panel on what are you going to do after your HO(The iver did ask about Ho system and specialisation..It is important for you to know how many years are you spending for your post in Ho and how many years in specialisation .When talking about specialisation don't be too specific since you didn't undergo any training yet in the specialisation that you wanted.For instance ,i said paediatric since you can subspecialised in many other principles related to paeds eg:cardiologist paed,you can say internal medicine etc..)(Answer in english only)
station 5-feelings-->encik ali seorang bekas guru menghidap lumpuh di sebelah kanan badannya.isteri encik ali yg selama ini menjaganya telah turut jatuh sakit.Anak2 mereka mengajak encik ali dan isteri untuk tinggal bersama mereka tetapi mereka menolak.Bincangkan perasaan smua karakter (answer in Bm only ).Fahami maksud PERASAAN .Advice:Jgn menilai sesuatu dari sudut perbuatan seseorang sahaja ttpi perlu juga menilai dari segi perasaannya.
station 6-Picture again(picture of accident).Give your opinion on your observation and a conclusion.(Answer in Bi only)
station 7-Rest
station 8-Choose one question from the 3
1.Talents and hobbies
2.Your interest
3.Challenges in life and how you overcome it and your qualities..
station 9-Rest
station 10-Ali ingin melanjutkan pelajaran dlm bidang perubatan namun ibu bapanya yang merupakan peguam mengaharapkan bhw ali boleh menjadi seorang peguam kerana kebanyakan ahli kluarga mereka yg menjadi peguam kaya raya.Bincangkan pendapat anda kepada penemuduga.(Jawab dalam BM ataupun BI  but since ivers tu dh start in BM ikut dia jela .ahaha )
Ivers might ask you questions regarding the answers that you give be prepare for any possibilities.

Extra session:
20 minutes session of making presentation
topic: food supliment(Answer in Bm only ).You just have to prepare the materials for the presentation not to worry they wont ask you to present in fronth of them.Basically they just wanted to see how you work in groups.Just make sure you are getting enggage in your group and you are able to discuss well in groups .They will observe you during the session.

After finishing the group session you will be taken into a room to take  an aptitude not quite sure whether it will affect your application or not..but be honest.

Tips or advice :
1.Prepare your answers and prepare them well its better to prepare than to be sorry at the end of the day
2.Be confident but don't get over confident ivers don't like students who thinks they are the best in anything they do.
3.Be humble and avoid rudeness in anyway since you are applying for a medical course ..They sure wanted you to be able to work well in the community.
4.Show symphaty and emphaty /Think wisely and logically .
5.always smile and be polite..Knock the door before entering.Greet them with a wide smile and shake their hands.Say thank you after you have finished your session.
6.Avoid nervousness .Of course we are nervous because it is our future but you got to think rationally when you are calm since less adrenaline is released.This can help you to avoid silly and nonsense answers.Everyone has their own way of getting rid of you nervousness make sure you find yours..
7.Practice to talk bilangually since bm and bi are two vital language used during iv.It is a bonus for you if you can speak other language.

I think thats all ive got to tell you.Make sure you do well in all iv you got since you dont know where are you going to undergo your tertiary education..This is just my small contribution for medical students to be who are looking for ways to excell in interviews and overview of medical schools system in choosing their students.Feel free to ask if you have any question or questions..

Extra:There are my friends who got UM and UKM iv.UM is MMI UKM is face to face .If you wanted to know more you can just email me so that i can ask them about it.I can't post it since it is not my personal views an since i didn't know their system..

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

PASUM 16/17

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.Memandangkan aku ada masa lapang dan terasa terpanggil untuk memberi pencerahan  kepada bakal pasumnian 17/18 ni memandangkan result upu spm dah makin dekatt..

course apa yang available???.well ada 3 jenis asasi yang available

berikut adalah requirement pada tahun 2017
since aku ambik asasi sains hayat so aku akan cerita pasal sn hayat .hahahahah.
what will you learn??
Untuk semester satu dan dua korang akan belajar (This is the repetition from my past entry):

Jadi subjek ni la yang diajar pada tahun 16/17..utk sesi 17/18  aku dapat maklumat fr my chemist lecturer cakap yg sistem dia lain skit means diorang gabung je subjek tu jadi satu for every sem .contohnya kimia satu dan dua jadi kimia lecture korang kimia sminggu ada dalam 4/5 kali .so tak mustahil satu topik boleh habis dalam masa seminggu je.Bg aku its too fast.Bayangakn topik kimia organik yg biasanya korang belajar untuk 2/3 minggu jadi 1 insha allah lama kelamaan korang blh sesuaikan diri dengan benda tu.Tp aku x pasti lg abt this thing korang kne masuk n nnti face sdiri.ahhahahaha.
 untuk subjek aku cadangkan korang focus more on maths sbb maths WAJIB dikira dalam pointer pasum .maksudnya walaupun bio chem dan physics korang score (dpt A)  kalau maths korang x A pointer korang akan drop maybe dr 4.0 jadi 3.7/3.8 maybe..haa tak ke sedih cmtu.
Korang x perlu risau kalau x faham blh je direct jumpa ngn lecturer diorang sentiasa ada untuk dgn adanya kelas tutorial mmg sangat membantu korang untuk memahami apa yang diajar tu.
Sepanjang aku kat Pasum aku paling suka subjek kimia 2 and 4 sbb tu subjek untuk kimia organik .kebanyakan student paling benci subjek ni sbb bnyk nk kene hafal.Actually kalau dalam lecture fokus aku rasa x perlu hafal sangat pon cume nak kene fahamkan.yg part nak fahamkn tu susah skit .Tp akan ad selalu kawan yg terer yang akan bantu korang just tanya je..For kimia 1 dan 3 tu adalah physical chemistry yang mana korang akan banyak mengira dalam subjek tu.Bg aku physical chemistry ni lg susah sbb melibatkan bnyk prngiraan dan pemahaman konsep..

contoh notes kimia 4 ..

nanti try la buat summary mcm ni sng nk hafal n faham sbb satu compound blh jd banyak reaction yang blh terjadi.n biasanya ada soalan yang sem 1 belajar and sem 2 keluar soalan tu sbb masa sem 2 dia be carefull
contoh soalan final kimia organik 2017 huhu.

ni antara tutorial kimia.Tutorial ni mcm soalan yg lecturer bagi pastu kita kne buat and hantar next week dkt tutor(cg yang ajar/bg jawapan tutorial)untuk kimia ada markah tutorial(10) untuk tutorial tertentu means x de lah every week tuto ad dia x akan bgthu tutorial yang mana ad markah so buat lah habis baik tiap minggu and check jawapan ngn kawan sblm hantar kat tutor tu haah.Nanti secure la markah korang 10% untuk final..
untuk subjek biology basically just perlu BANYAK sangat menghafal plus tiap2 minggu test so mmg korang x de alasan untuk tak hafal mmg kne hafal la kan carry marks kot (10%).Kebanyakan pelajar yg perform masa final tp x dpt A jugak sbb carry marks diorang x cukup .pesanan aku untuk korang jagalah carry marks tu bebaik...nnti menangis xberlagu.huhuhu😂😂😂😂😂.

bio 3:physiology
bio 1 sample exam final question
bio 2 most iconic question.Kbnykn plajar kata soalan ni sangat susah sbb its a bit too KBAT.😂😂😂😂
Antara soalan Final 2017.haaa.jangan terkejut kitaorg buat 4 esei plus jawab section A which cost 32 marks and essay 17 marks each..JAWAB dalam.masa 2 jam shj

contoh test bio .test bio ni every week ye ..10 marks every week.dia alternate..kalau minggu ni tuto bio 1 means test bio 1 n then minggu depan tuto bio 2 test bio tgk bebetul jadual and tutorial nnti kang tersilap study untuk test lain.hahahah.

antara notes bio 4.yg ni aku download dr spectrum and save lm phone sng kat mana2 pon blh untuk lecture aku nasihatkan korang beli yang hardcopy nye dkt kedai sbb sng nnti nk tulis masa lecture..
untuk physics:not much to say ...Tp SILA HAFAL SEGALA FORMULA YANG DIBERI TUH.seriusly fizik bnyak gila formula i think lebih dari 200++ formula kne hafal untuk sem 1 dan 2 .Fret not sbb nnti korang akan terbiasa gak ngn formula tu sbb fizik ad lab test yg sangat digeruni ..hahahshss.Usually tak tentu test ni nnti jadual akan dikeluarkan.test ni dijalankan 20 minit sebelum bermulanya sesi lab fizik yang tertentu.means dia x de la test tiap minggu macam bio

antara notes physics.lecturer biasanya akan upload notes ni dkat e spectrum .kalau nk sng download je smua.nnti tgh mkn pon smpat tgk😁😁.biasanya lecturer akan bgi notes dalam bentuk slide tp ad certain lecturer x akan bg slide bulat2 .Smua tu depends on lecturer tu..

Antara test physicss ...huhuhu

contoh soalan final physics 2017
Subjek yang paling "digemari" oleh semua pelajar pasum.maths kat pasum ni seriously CORE GILA ..I hated maths since school but since dah masuk pasum so hadap jelah .maths ni formula tak diberi  ye.identiti pon hafal sendiri.for algebra and geometry tu for me is a bit tough yg part geometry yg kira sudut2 proving identity.kekadang prove identity sampai 1 page pon still x dpt jawpn mohon bersabar jela wahai tu yg mcm korang belajar kat skolah yg differentiation /integration things like that..statistics and probability best  bg aku la.sbb subjek tu x perlu hafal formula banyak sangat just hadamkan lecture notes, tutorial and kukuhkan konsep

nampak takk soalanya mostly prove prove yang prove integration tu seriously 1 page lbih...😧😧😧.

soalan final stats and notes stats.
Sem 1 is preparation for muet .So korang akan diajar cara nk jawab muet n score dalam muet oleh guru-guru bhs inggeris yg sporting dan baik hati...tak stress pon bljr bi ni.slain tu dapat polish english korang gak.MUET ni korang WAJIB ambik untuk masuk degree nanti and untuk lulus PASUM tau.Make sure band 3 above in order nk smbung course science based.
sem 2  english bg aku is a bit boring sbb reading comprehenssion 2 hrs per week.n masa tu la ramai student ponteng .😬😬😬😬.tp yang part presentation tu best sbb dia asah social skill korang and kemahiran korang untk cakap depan org ramai..
Buku rujukan yg biasa pakai adalah buku Comprehenssive college yang ditulis sendiri oleh lecturer pasum.nnti akan ada seller datang buat jualan buku ni.Rm 65++ sebiji.Buku tersebut sangatlah bagus untuk menguji kefahaman kita.tebalnya bak kamus dewan gitu..kalu rasa mahal dan tak mampu x yah beli sbb kat library ada buku tu blh pinjam je.Lagipun nanti lecture notes(nota kuliah) lecturer akan bagi biasanya akan diupload di e spectrum (nanti korang masuk tahu la pebenda ni).nota ni biasanya akan dihantar ke kedai fotostat kat kolej korang untuk diperbanyakkan.PASTIKAN beli ..sbb nota ini akan digunakan semasa kuliah nanti .sng nak refer..
Smua lecturer pasum mmg terbaikkk dan sngat pakar dalam bidang yang mereka ajar mereka tak pernah lokek nak berkongsi ilmu.Ramai yang berpangkat Dr /Prof madya dan ada seorang Prof kat sini yang ajar fizik.Prof kot..korang kalau nk panggil diorang jgn sesuka je panggil cg ke akak ke.some of them may dislike it..well mcm x beradaplah kan pnggil macam tu.dengar betul2 nama diorang masa diorang sebut spy x silap panggil nanti.Ad jugak lecturer yang tgh ambik phd so korang blh panggil diorang Puan or encik..kalau nk buat appointment dgn diorang blh contact diorang ataupun bgi notis dkt bilik diorang .kebiasannya diorang srh buat depends on the lecturer.nnti diorang akam bgthu camne nk buat appointment .
Nak kata susah tu tak bukan senang nk dapat 4 flat kat pasum ni secara purata daripada 1000 students dalam 100 lbh je yang dpt 4 flat .Tp kalau korang ada ksungguhan yang tinggi x mustahil korang salah sorang dr yg 100 tu kan..😄😄😄..kalau sem 1 korang tak berapa okay korang kena usaha lebih dalam sem 2 untuk dapat 4 flat...sbb sistem kat PASUM ni kita campur markah dan bukannya gred ..contohnya kalau BIO
sem 1 :68(B+)
sem 2:87(A)
dia akan campur dua dan bahagi dua so korang akan dapat dlm 78 (A).nampak takkk...kalau matriks diorang campur gred n kalau sem 1 x A  plus ngn sem 2 walaupun A still x kan dapat gred A tuh..
so cerah la peluang nk 4 flat kalau berusaha bersungguh2  untuk kedua2 sem and ada harapan la nak 4 flat sem 2 kalau perform.
Actually kalau nk dpt 4 flat buat tutorial n then pahamkan lecture notes dah cukup means x perlu susah2 nk buat rujukan luar.Tutorial paling PENTING.kadang2 Soalan tutorial tu kluar sbijik-sebijik dalam exam tak tukar value pon.nampak tak baiknya lecturer..kalau untuk midsem beli past years dan buat smpai habis..cari usually untuk maths and physics dia x brp nk berkesan sbb soalan sentiasa bertukar tp untuk bio dan kimia sila lah buat past year sbb thun aku sbijik kluar soalan kimia organik tahun 2010 tau..rugikan kalaunx buat past year.Bio tu snagt direkomenkan untuk buat final sbb biasanya lecturer akan ulang2 je soalan.Tutorial bio 50% akan keluar exam.Test pon sama.nk dkt exam nnti tgk balik tutorial smua.seriously rugi gila kalau x refresh balik tutorial.Thts what i did in sem 1 aku ingatkan x kan kluar la soalan tutorial tu dalam final tp mostly mmg soalan tutorial yang ad jugaklah soalan lain so pemahaman tu penting.
Alhamdullilah i manage to get 4 flat for my cgpa eventhough my sem 1 cgpa is not 4 flat..Teruskan berusaha and never give up thts the key ..
Di samping kita berusaha ni kenalah ingat slalu kat pencipta jangan terlalu leka dengan dunia smpai sembahyang pun tertinggal bagai..Subuh terlajak sbb tido lambat study semalam katanyer..pastu al quran yg bawak tu dibiar berdebu je atas rak buku.kalau rasa susah ingatla kat tuhan cari lah tuhan..dia selalu ada untuk kita.Ramai student yang bila exam je kenal tuhan .bila exam barulah nk cari sejadah .bila exam barulah terkial2 nak mengaji.Tp at least diorang sedar dr tak sedar langsung kan.Bila masuk ke alam universiti ni dah x de sesape dah yang nk kawal hidup korang .korang decide smua benda sendiri.baik buruk  sesuatu perkara korang sendiri yang tentukan .aku pon bknyr ustaz sangat dkt univ tp ingatlah yg wajib buat tu tetap kne buat.okayy..jangan terlalu leka dengan dunia yang fana
Banyak gila tempat yang korang boleh pergi kalau bosan duk terperap je kat kolej tu.well kampus korang kan kat tengah2 bandar.nih aku senaraikan tempat yang korang boleh pergi kalau bosan melanda
1.Midvalley(5 minit je weih)
2.Bangsar south
3.IOI(tp yg ni jauh gila)
4.Lrt universiti nye mall yang baru bukak tu (KL GATEWAY MALL)kot namanya.yang ni AMAT DEKAT ..depan pintu pagar um .lol...
ni jelah tempat yang aku biasa pergi kalau bosan actually banyak lagi tempat yang ada tp bg aku yg ni antara yg best dan dekat ngn u .means x perlu kluar duit banyak untuk transport
usually pilihan 1. tu lah yang slalu aku naik well malas nk menunggu lrt bagai.ahahhaha.ala g mid valley Rm 5 je pon naik grab..kalau nk jimat naiklah LRT.naik kat lrt univ dekat ngn u korang.Kan senang skrg ni sbb ade public transport sngla korang nk bergerak.
kalau korang malas yg amat nk bersiap dan pergi ke mall bagai tapi perut dah berkeroncong tahap gaban..bolehla order DOMINO /KFC/MCD.Usually aku order KFC/MCd je .lmaoo .Cepat je smpai dlm 30 minutes tp depend on weather kalau hujan x de service makanlah kat kolej korang tu..
kafe kk11 seriously Tiptop .makanan smua sedap dengan harga yang berpatutan .mmg slalu ramai orang.Student degree/master dr kolej lain pon datang makan kat sini kedai western/masakan panas/makanan ala2 arab kedai aisrim n waffle pon hadoo tau...meriah la ktakan.kat area cafe ni ade gak satu kedai serbaneka ..kat situ macam2 ada dh mcm mini mart da..

Sepanjang korang dduk PASUM ni ad 4 exam yang korang akan duduki
1.midsemester 1 exam semester 1 exam
3.midsemester 2 exam semester 2 exam
keempat2 exam ni sngat penting untuk kejayaan korang kat pasum ni.Exam ni akan dijalankan di dewan peperiksaan UM.seriously besar gilaa dewan tu..untuk midsem (20%) dan final (60%)which means 80% of your cgpa is done when you sit for the exam...penting kann...masa midsem abc je final subjektif.(mungkin tahun korang pon midsem dia buat subjektif mcm stpm tu hah) since bnyk yg korang akan bljr nnti but i dont no .sbb x de conformation lagi dr pihak pasum.kalau ada apa2 info ill tell you guys later ..masa nk exam ni la korang blh tgk sape yg time exam je study pastu result okay.sape yang tak study asyik layan dota je tp 4 flat.sape yang study siang malam tp hakikatnya bila kluar result barai.youll encounter those ppl .Tp apa2 pon DON'T EVER study last minute sbb nnti x sempat nk cover semua topik .dan ingat study bukan hanya untuk exam tp study untuk ilmu..youll have fun learning apa yang difahami rather than hafal je x tahu apa2.

haa cenggini la cover exam final yang dinanti-nanti.lool.

contoh soalan midsem.huhuhu..ABC je.silalah score ye sbb midsem ni 20%.dhla objektif je tak rasa rugi ke kalau x

Final usually 2 hrs utk stiap subjek and midsem 1 hr ...format lain2 untk setiap subjek nnti dah masuk lecturer korang akan brief kalau x paham tanya...

Ingat ni bukan sekolah lagi yang mana korang kene pakse pergi aktiviti koko.kat sini smua sendiri.Korang nak join kr tak join ke tu hal korang.Tapi ingat dekat Pasum still ad 10% markah merit yang penting bagi permohonan akan korang isi masa upu degree nanti.Jadi joinlah aktiviti kolej tak susah pon...Kalau x leh jadi Ketua atleast jadilah ajk paling teruk pon jadilah penonton.turunla kalau ada apa2 aktiviti x susah pon diorang buat dalam kolej je.nnti macam2 aktiviti yang akan dijalankan best2 pulak tu..Tp jgnla join smua .tu tamak namanyaaa.hahahah.takla ..kadang2 x sempat nk study kalau korang join smua.join tu ikut kemampuan la .jangan koko je top tp akademik kelaut.mesti seimbang la dua2tu yerk.Nanti kalau korang nk jd Ajk JKP akan buat interview untuk pemilihan so allert2 la skit ...

aku rasa tu je kot nk bgthu.Diharapkan post ini mrmbantu hadek2 sekalian .hahaha.kalau ad apa2 soalan blh tanya kat ruangan comment.ill try my best to answer .okay.Goodluck for upu smua..😊😊😊😊